sexta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2011

Programa Fome de Justiça - Uma boa idéia dos gringos.

Desculpem-me os amigos que não falam inglês, mas quando eu recebi essa noticia eu tinha que compartilhar.

Trata-se de um programa, onde se você ligar para a policia reportando algum crime que está ocorrendo, eles lhe enviam uma pizza de sua preferência.
A única restrição é que eles não podem ir para New York buscar a tua fatia de pizza, mas eles podem ir em qualquer pizzaria da cidade de Austin.

Theft: UT staff member observed a non-UT subject cut a self-locking cable lock off a red mountain bicycle in the bike rack located on the northeast side of the dormitory.  After cutting the lock, the subject rode away.  The staff member notified the police department and officers located the subject and the bicycle.  The subject was taken into custody and transported to Central Booking.  Recovered value: $150.00.  Occurred on: 9-29-11, at 6:55 AM.

Crime Prevention Tip: This staff member did a great job in being observant and then reporting the suspicious activity to the Police Department.  We will be delivering a Free Pizza on Monday.  If you are interested in the Hungry For Justice Program report any and all suspicious persons or activity to the UT Police Department at 512-471-4441.  Your phone call could lead to a pizza of your choice. With two exceptions, I cannot go to New York to get you a slice, and I cannot go to Chicago to get you a deep dish.  I can however go to any pizzeria in the City of Austin.


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